We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
We have 12 places of worship across South Warwickshire.
We meet as 'the people called Methodist' to worship and share fellowship together.
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday which this year is on 5th March.
There are services on Ash Wednesday at Stratford Methodist @4pm and Warwick @ 7pm. All are welcome.
The Methodist Church will be keeping Lent with its 'SOUL FOOD' resources and worship ideas.
It is about spiritual replenishment. Soul Food will offer daily readings and reflections through Lent to help people grow and explore.
As the days lengthen and the air begins to warm spring and the new shoots are around the corner.
Please explore our website and call into our churches.
The anniversary of John Wesley's transformative experience in a meeting room in Aldersgate Street, London is on May 24th. In 1738. in his journal, John recorded that, during a reading from Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, he felt that his heart was "strangely warmed." His brother, Charles Wesley-hymn writer, had had a similar experience a few days prior to John. This is regarded as a key moment in the beginnings of the 18th century Methodist revival.